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Navionics Updates charts CF charts and trade-ins

Navionics+ and Updates cards

CF - Navionics+ and Updates cards here

Navionics Updates cards are around 50% cheaper than Navionics+ cards

UPDATES - Find an SD/MSD Updates card here

Call or email sales@yachtingsoftware.com for advice if required

Every  Navionics+ or Navionics Updates card can activate one Navionics Updates card. (CF or SD/MSD format).

Updates cards are supplied blank and after activation by an eligible Navionics+ or Updates card (a card that has not previously been used to activate a card) any chart area can be downloaded

If an unexpired card is used for activation, any unexpired time on the activating card is added to the update period on the new card.

The advantages of using an Update card rather than extending time on and existing card are:
  • the Updates card is a brand new card with all the reliability that infers
  • the older activating card will still function and can be retained as a backup
  • an alternative chart area can be downloaded eg activation by a UK and Ireland chart and the download of Western Europe chart on to the Updates chart
  • it is possible to activate an MSD card using an eligible CF card after a plotter change
The activating process is simple but at Yachting Software we are happy to carry out the process for you or take over if customers run in to difficulties - just call us on 07710178995 or email sales@yachtingsoftware.com and we will advise you 

Trade-ins for Platinum cards

You can also trade in any Platinum card or a Navionics+ or Updates card that has not been used to activate an Updates card for a discount of around 50% on a Platinum card.