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Part exchange or Navionics Updates

Charts are our business These are charts usually despatched on the day of order or the following day - you can be sure of support from us if needed.

Every Navionics chart card can activate one Updates card
Follow this link and click the Navionics Updates option covering the area that you require to find the Updates card that you need (the Updates card does not need to be the same area or format as the card that you are using to activate it).  VAT will be removed where despatch is to non EU addresses.

When you receive the card, follow the simple instructions at Navionics.com 
Your Updates card will be activated - your old card will still work and you can keep it as a reserve

An Updates card could be the solution for the following: 
  • you have upgraded your plotter and need SD/MSD instead of CF format? 
  • to renew your old expired chart and keep your old chart as a backup
  • to use your old chart to activate an Updates card covering a new sailing area
  • your new plotter uses Navionics and you have a competitor card that might activate a Navionics Updates card
If you have any problem with the activation process for the new Updates card send both cards to us and we will do it for you.

You can also part exchange your chart old chart for a new one when:
  • you can change your chart area
  • you can activate a card having a different for eg. change for CF to SD/MSD

Part exchange to upgrade from Navionics+ to Platinum, XL to XL3 or from Platinum to Platinum

Contact us at sales@yachtingsoftware.com (07710178995) if you are unsure what you need.

SD/MSD Blank Navionics Updates card

SD/MSD Blank Navionics Updates card


in stock

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